Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It looks like yesterday was the last nice day for awhile and we got to enjoy it with a play-date!! Mommy and Landon met Martina and Weston at Mission Park, which is beautifully renovated with new toys. It also has a big grassy field that the boys could run all over. Well, the field had just been aerated and Landon found a nematode...

"Daddy is always talking about extra protein...does this count?"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome FALL!!

Well, today we got up nice and early and took a little stroll around the hood and on our way back in the house we decided to do some family gardening. Mommy and Daddy pulled some weeds and Landon hung out in the pack-n-play. After the weeds were pulled Mommy transplanted the Dianthus from the whiskey barrel to the hanging pot and made fall/harvest barrels with pumpkins and leaves.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby Signs: Bird

Landon is getting better at communicating and using some baby signs. Now when we are inside and you say "bird" he will do the sign and point outside! Here is little clip of the bird sign... (watch his right hand, it is an opening and closing of your index and middle fingers and your thumb)

(Sorry, it had to be cut a lot shorter than it was)

He is also good with "all done" when he is eating, which is very helpful so he doesn't get frustrated when we try to feed him more. He is starting to do "more" and "cup". He is also good with airplane and we are teaching him book, since he loves them. Our plan is just to use a few signs with him to help him communicate before he can say certain words, which these can be very handy.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

'Round and 'Round We Go

We are trying to enjoy the last nice days of the season and since it was absolutely beautiful yesterday Mommy and Landon went to the park. Landon had his first ride on a Merry-Go-Round...

Then we played on the swings...

Such a big boy going to get his hat by walking...

Then of course he had to ask Mommy about everything in sight "That, that"...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Never Turn Your Back...

Even for one second...
"Ha Ha...Who needs Mommy to make bottles?"
It was a Formula Festival when Mommy went into the bedroom to get Landon some clothes! Not really sure how it got on his lips, but it was really funny to watch him licking them trying to get the formula!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Fair!!

Well, we made an adventure to the Spokane Interstate Fair so Landon could see all of the animals we talk about in his books! It was pretty cute when we got to the horses he kept pointing and saying "Doggy, Doggy". When we were looking at the mules (some were as big as horses!) one made his donkey noise and made a little boy right in front of the cage cry, Landon just looked at Mommy as if he were saying, "What was that?!" We weren't able to pet the cows, which made Landon quite upset. And the pigs were closed, come to find out later that a sow was having piglets, which Mommy would have loved to see the babies! Here are some pictures...
The goats...
Something on the ceiling that caught his eye...
The mules...
The "Doggy" horses...
A miniature horse...
The other "doggy" horse...
And to say the least he was all worn out after touching and seeing all of the animals that he feel asleep while Mommy looked at all the arts and crafts in the nice AC buildings...
After he woke up we tried to see if he would enjoy the Llama ride, which is great that they let you try it out first with the little ones before you pay, but Landon was not too into it so we got him off. It was a nice attempt though!! All in all it was a great trip to the fair!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Walk this way...

...and talk this way! It is official, we have a walker!! We have been working with Landon and having him walk from one person to another and trying to get the cat, etc. but last night he did it on his own volition, the true sign of walking. How it started, Mommy found Landon playing in the kitty food, Mommy and Daddy forgot to shut the door, well Mommy said, "Landon James, no touch!" and move him by the couch. As he stood there, we are only too sure what was going through his little mind, and all of a sudden off he goes, on his way back to where Mommy was cleaning up kitty food! He got there bent over and stuck a piece of the missed kitty kernels in his mouth! So, now we have a great story, the first time you walked it was to go eat cat food! Mommy tried to get a clip of Landon walking this morning, it isn't nearly as good as he did last night but still so cute. Here are a couple "Takes"...

Take I

Take II

Take III

OK, Landon just walked from the couch to Mommy sitting in the middle of the room while saying, "Mama" and came to give me a big kiss! Sweetest little boy ever!

Happy Labor Day

This past weekend we went to our friend's house in St. Maries (Bryan and Emily, it is actually where we went for Memorial Day, we started out the summer and finished it off up in St. Maries, ID). We had a very fun and full weekend. We went on hikes, hung out and played games, Daddy and Bryan went fishing caught some fish and on the way got some grouse as well.
Mommy and Emily on a hike...
And this is what Landon was doing while we were hiking...
On Sunday night we all went to the park where they had the best firework show that Mommy or Daddy had ever seen! It was incredible and the finale had the biggest booms and brightest lights that it light up the sky like it was day. Mommy and Daddy felt like kids again! It was also Landon's first show, since he was asleep for the 4th of July show. At first he didn't know what to think and had a half smile and was half laughing and half whining/crying. But we held him closer and then he loved it. He was also amazed by the carnival ride that was right behind us, with all the lights and going around and around. He kept looking from the fireworks to the ride in aw.One of Landon's first fireworks...
Then on Monday we woke up early explored around, enjoyed the nice fall air and picked a fresh blackberry breakfast for Landon before we got on the road.
Landon showing Daddy where to go...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Well, Mommy was wrong to think that Landon would be the next to get stitches in our family. Last night during dinner prep Mommy tore open her finger and as soon as Daddy came through the door it was off to the ER. Two hours and 6 stitches later Mommy was being told not to do much with that hand.... Anyone tired "not doing much" with your dominate hand with 11 month old baby lately? It's not working very well!