Saturday, April 25, 2009

Get Ready

On your marks...
Get set...
Yes, Landon is in position! It is only a matter of time now. Mommy and Daddy need to get on to carpet cleaning...FAST!! We can't believe that we are going to have a crawler soon. Landon is doing so well and developing so fast. We have the best time together helping him learn and teaching him new things.
Today was a fun family day. This morning we played and helped Landon get into his position you see here while we waited for it to warm up outside and then we went for a walk (Mommy has been doing a lot of outside walking since it is getting so nice and spring-y), so we showed Daddy our route. And this afternoon while Landon was napping Mommy and Daddy did some yard maintenance, we'll show the before and after shots when we are all done!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finally...The Wave

Well, we think that the other video was too big to be posted so we have been trying to capture the wave again but Landon wouldn't wave to the camera so we got it from behind...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here we go a hiking

Daddy got off work early yesterday and it felt like summer (83 degrees, holy smokes!) so we went for a family walk. We were using the stroller because it was a new trail that we'd never been to before and we didn't know the terrain. We didn't get far but it was still fun. We are going to go back soon with the baby hiking backpack because it was a really cool trail. There were a few birds, we did have the bird book, we saw a gardener snake and some other things. High up the trail there are a bunch of Indian rock paintings, we saw one and want to go see all the rest.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Wave

Well this is going to have to be an update post since we haven't posted anything since Easter Sunday.
Two days ago Landon started to wave!! It is so cute he moves his wrist like he is in a Parade and it is always with his right hand. He does most things with his right hand so we are thinking that we have a righty on our hands, which is good because it is so much easier to teach them to write when they are the same as you are. We got the wave on video this morning, please excuse Mommy's singing since she can't carry a tune in a bucket, let alone a song, at least Landon like it!

(The video isn't working so we'll get it up soon...hopefully!)

This week Landon started being more interested in the pictures in the book where as before he was more interested in eating the book or trying to figure out how it could fit into his mouth. He continues to grow vocally as well. He is talking a lot now. We also had his first word..."Da-Da". He has been doing the whole "da-da-da-da-da" thing for awhile now, but just recently he has started to associate who "Da-Da" really is. About 5 o'clockish Landon will start with "Da-Da?" "Da-DA!" until Daddy gets home, which is about 40 minutes. Then when he sees Daddy he says, "Da-Da." What a heart warmer to come home from work to hear that! We are still working on "Ma-Ma", but Landon does call Mommy "mmmmm", so we have the right sound.

This was just a cute little sleeping shot!

This is a couple days ago when we were learning how to build blocks!! Mommy and Daddy build and Landon is the "Destroyer"!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Argyle on Easter

Here is what Landon wore today. We just thought that we would share because he looked so dang cute!

Hoppy Easter!!

Here is your Easter picture surprise!
These were the rest of Landon's six month portraits.
Happy Easter and have a great day!

Friday, April 10, 2009

A visit to the Doc

Well, it was check-up time again. We went to Landon's doctor yesterday for his six month visit, and Landon is doing extremely well. This was also a very exciting visit because we were okayed to give Landon full reign of food, except fish, peanut butter, eggs and animal milk, those have to wait for after one year. We still have to introduce one item per day to make sure there are no allergies, but so far so good on that subject, he has had no food allergies. We also still have to puree everything we give him for obvious choking hazard reasons. He also got his second set off immunizations, which made him a little cranky yesterday. He had a slight fever and some soreness at the shot sights, but today he is back to his smiley self. Yesterday we gave him cheerios . He didn't really know what to do with them but he is getting used to the hardness of them since he knows nothing other than puree still.
"What are these mom?"
Landon's measurements:
Height: 28.25 inches (94%)
Weight: 17lbs 4oz (41%)
Head circumference: 18 inches (92%)
We have a big boy on our hands!
Dr. Keblawi also said that Landon seems to be advanced developmentally in regards to sitting up as straight as he does without parental help. His teeth are also in early.
So the check-up went very well.
And we couldn't ask for anything more than a healthy little boy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Landon's 6 month portraits

On Tuesday we went to get Landon's 6 month portraits done and they are so cute! The gal was great with Landon and captured excellent shots. We didn't post them all but here are a few to tied you over until Easter when you get a picture surprise!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Little Fishy

Today was our first swimming lesson and we have a water baby!! Yeah! Landon was so happy in the water and didn't cry once. There are about 10 kids in our class and Landon was the youngest by about a month and a half. This class, Little Kippers (cute name), is for ages 6-18 months. We sang songs and did all different movements to the song. Instead of the "muffin man" it was "popcorn man" and every time we said "popcorn" we bounced the baby out of the water, good arm work out for Mom. Then we sat them on the wall of the pool and said 1-2-3 and then brought them back to the water. On this one, for Landon, after Mommy said 1-2-3 she blew in his face so he would hold his breath and dunked him all the way under. He loved it!! He would come up smiling and blinking the water out of his eyes. He loved being on his back and kicking his little legs and splashing his hands. Then we would put them on their stomachs facing us and show them how to blow bubbles. Landon drank a little of the pool a couple times, then would cough it out and want to go again! We snapped a quick shot on the phone before we went in so it isn't the highest quality but it's cute. Next time we will take the camera and try to get a better shot!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Six months...ALREADY?!

Landon was half of a year on Wednesday, six months already have gone by...flying by!! It is truly amazing to us how fast he is learning and doing new things. We always play "where's the baby?" with him where we cover his face and then pull the blanket off and say "Oh, there he is!" His expression is always so cute when we do it; well this morning he was covering and uncovering his face by himself! His sitting up is great now. We are to the point where we can sit him up and leave the room with out worry of him toppling over. He is wanting to crawl pretty badly and we think that the cat is going to be his inspiration. He will watch her walk by and turn to follow where she is going. When he is on his tummy he moves his arms and legs back and forth in crawling motion, so it is only a matter of time before he is up and moving, which means that our next spring cleaning task is cleaning the carpets!! Landon is also working on those first words. He coos all the time and has been doing the "mmm" sound, so Mommy is of course hoping the first one will be "Ma Ma". But what mom doesn't want that?! Next Monday we start SWIMMING LESSONS!! YEAH! We have been waiting for that six month mark to enroll him in lessons, which we will be doing twice a week at the YMCA. We'll let you know how the lessons go! Have a great weekend, and remember, as Landon says:
being naked keeps you young!
"I am six months now, I can hang out nakie if I wanna!"