Friday, April 10, 2009

A visit to the Doc

Well, it was check-up time again. We went to Landon's doctor yesterday for his six month visit, and Landon is doing extremely well. This was also a very exciting visit because we were okayed to give Landon full reign of food, except fish, peanut butter, eggs and animal milk, those have to wait for after one year. We still have to introduce one item per day to make sure there are no allergies, but so far so good on that subject, he has had no food allergies. We also still have to puree everything we give him for obvious choking hazard reasons. He also got his second set off immunizations, which made him a little cranky yesterday. He had a slight fever and some soreness at the shot sights, but today he is back to his smiley self. Yesterday we gave him cheerios . He didn't really know what to do with them but he is getting used to the hardness of them since he knows nothing other than puree still.
"What are these mom?"
Landon's measurements:
Height: 28.25 inches (94%)
Weight: 17lbs 4oz (41%)
Head circumference: 18 inches (92%)
We have a big boy on our hands!
Dr. Keblawi also said that Landon seems to be advanced developmentally in regards to sitting up as straight as he does without parental help. His teeth are also in early.
So the check-up went very well.
And we couldn't ask for anything more than a healthy little boy!

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