Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Most Wonderful Thing About Toddlers...

Is that it is so unbelievably hard to stay mad at them, because they are too cute! First this is when Landon pushed the chair to the computer desk in order to climb to the bar to get to the fruit bowl. It was too quite for Mommy and Daddy and this is what we found 2 bananas and about a pear and a half later...

And for those of you doing spring cleaning and need to hire a chimney sweeper, we have one of those too...

We are definitely in the "explore your surroundings" stage!! Each day Landon is learning more and more and it amazes us just how fast he catches on to new things. He is mimicking more words and their sounds. It won't be too long before we have a talker on our hands!!

Happy spring!!