Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Where's All My Snow?

Last year we had over 5 feet of snow in Spokane, not that wonderful with a 2 month old baby but now that we are ready and rarin' for snow where is it? No where to be found!
"This is my new sled, but since there is no snow I guess I just have to sit in it and wait..."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Tricks

Here is Landon's latest trick, he moves the kitchen stool to get what he wants in non-baby-proof drawers that are otherwise to high for him to reach...
"...aaalllmossst... GOT IT!!"
Nothing is safe anymore!
Landon has also figured out how to move the chairs from around the table to crawl under the table to get to the computer, which is blocked on the other side by a baby gate!