Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Earth Day...

A day late, but we should celebrate our Earth everyday!!
"I should water Auntie Sara's Rhododendron!!"
Now, Landon and Brody will demonstrate how to water the grass with a dog water bowl...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Check-Up Time!

We went to see the Doc yesterday for Landon's 18 month check-up and everything is looking great! He got his MMR vaccine which made him pretty emotional for the rest of the day. It feels like he is growing by the minute:
Height: 34 in (90 percentile)
Head Circumference: 20.3 in (100 percentile)
Weight: 27.5 pounds (71.5 percentile)
Mommy also gave Landon a haircut and his is looking more and more like a boy and less like Mommy's little baby everyday...
Reading with Daddy...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Have a SUPER Easter!

Mommy dyed the eggs, Daddy drew the heroes, and Landon did the taste test...

We hope that you all have a great day!! It was so fun watching Landon hunt for his eggs this morning and he did so well!!
"Here's my basket, let's go!"

Happy Easter!!