Monday, April 6, 2009

Little Fishy

Today was our first swimming lesson and we have a water baby!! Yeah! Landon was so happy in the water and didn't cry once. There are about 10 kids in our class and Landon was the youngest by about a month and a half. This class, Little Kippers (cute name), is for ages 6-18 months. We sang songs and did all different movements to the song. Instead of the "muffin man" it was "popcorn man" and every time we said "popcorn" we bounced the baby out of the water, good arm work out for Mom. Then we sat them on the wall of the pool and said 1-2-3 and then brought them back to the water. On this one, for Landon, after Mommy said 1-2-3 she blew in his face so he would hold his breath and dunked him all the way under. He loved it!! He would come up smiling and blinking the water out of his eyes. He loved being on his back and kicking his little legs and splashing his hands. Then we would put them on their stomachs facing us and show them how to blow bubbles. Landon drank a little of the pool a couple times, then would cough it out and want to go again! We snapped a quick shot on the phone before we went in so it isn't the highest quality but it's cute. Next time we will take the camera and try to get a better shot!

1 comment:

Ann and Brian said...

sounds like you guys had a great first swim lesson, landon looks adorable by the way!!! miss you all!!!