Friday, April 3, 2009

Six months...ALREADY?!

Landon was half of a year on Wednesday, six months already have gone by...flying by!! It is truly amazing to us how fast he is learning and doing new things. We always play "where's the baby?" with him where we cover his face and then pull the blanket off and say "Oh, there he is!" His expression is always so cute when we do it; well this morning he was covering and uncovering his face by himself! His sitting up is great now. We are to the point where we can sit him up and leave the room with out worry of him toppling over. He is wanting to crawl pretty badly and we think that the cat is going to be his inspiration. He will watch her walk by and turn to follow where she is going. When he is on his tummy he moves his arms and legs back and forth in crawling motion, so it is only a matter of time before he is up and moving, which means that our next spring cleaning task is cleaning the carpets!! Landon is also working on those first words. He coos all the time and has been doing the "mmm" sound, so Mommy is of course hoping the first one will be "Ma Ma". But what mom doesn't want that?! Next Monday we start SWIMMING LESSONS!! YEAH! We have been waiting for that six month mark to enroll him in lessons, which we will be doing twice a week at the YMCA. We'll let you know how the lessons go! Have a great weekend, and remember, as Landon says:
being naked keeps you young!
"I am six months now, I can hang out nakie if I wanna!"

1 comment:

Ann and Brian said...

soooooooooooooo cute!!!