Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oh Take Me Out To The Ball Game!

Last night was Landon's first baseball game!! We went with our friends, Chris and Lindsay, and had a blast!! It was "Kid's Night" at the game, so after the game was over all the kids were able to go run the bases. Since Landon is still working on the walking thing we just put him on home plate and took a picture...
Oh and the look of terror in Landon's eyes is because there was a stampede of 6 and 7 year olds headed straight for him. Mommy and Landon got out of there in the nick of time!
This is "Otto" the Indian's mascot...
And little bug-a-boo baby...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, you look SO CUTE at the game! He is getting so big, LOVE those eyes!