Monday, August 17, 2009

Little Book Worm

Well, Landon loves to read!! Which Mommy and Daddy are so happy about. Mommy and Landon read for about 20 minute intervals twice a day. We think that this has really affected his vocabulary a great deal. He is still saying "sss dat", question, and "dat" more as a statement. In the bath full of toys we can say "get your duck" and he grabs his duck and says "Duck!" he also does that with his fish and once he has it he says"Ish!" He can point to his toes when we says to but toe sounds like doe. He can point to the lights and this morning was saying "Ight, ight". And probably the cutest thing of all, after Mommy and Daddy sing the ABC's, Landon will mimic the the sound and rhythm with little grunts!! It is amazing everything he started doing last week. It was pretty much a quantum leap in his brain. Daddy was really amazed because he was gone from 7am until 1opm from work to Hunter's Safety class, so over the weekend Landon really got to impress Daddy with his newly acquired skills.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

"quantum leap in his brain" are so funny! :)