Monday, May 18, 2009

Priest Lake Weekend

This past weekend we ventured to Priest Lake for a friend's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful, the wedding and the weather! We went up early on Saturday so we could get all settled in and hike around before the ceremony.
There were a few trails that lead right out of where our cabin was. We went on one that took us down by the lake and then up into some pretty wooded areas. Down by the lake with the self timer, Landon is in a Kelty Kids Pack, Daddy wore it all afternoon and said that it was awesome! Here we go...

Later at the ceremony...
Landon gives wedding crasher a new meaning!
Then on Sunday we went Morel mushroom hunting! At first we were in the totally wrong area for finding them but we hiked around a place called Hannah Flats and Mommy took macro shots of some things that we saw. We hiked a couple other places and then we found mushroom haven! We picked about 27 mushrooms and after we got home we cleaned them and sauteed them!
Here are some other random pictures from the weekend!
Oh and on another note, Landon's snot is turning back to clear and the nebulizer has only worked a little for his congestion to we are most likely ruling out asthma, but we will talk to the doctor on Thursday.

1 comment:

Ann and Brian said...

we did the same thing when we went morel hunting, we had no idea what we were doing and we were totally in the wrong place. but then we found a little creek (= moist hillside) and there they were! how fun! he is sooooo cute! glad to hear you had a good trip, sounds like he's ready for camping! :)