Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sick Boy

Little Landon has been fighting a cough for almost 5 weeks now...what is going on?! At first we thought that it was teething with the runny nose and drooling and cough. It didn't go away. So, we took him to the doctor last Thursday to have him checked out just to make sure that it wasn't more major than a lasting cough or cold. The doc listened to his lungs, checked his nose, ears and throat; everything looked and sounded good. He told us to keep and eye on the snot and cough and if either get worse to come back. Over the weekend, his runny nose went from clear to yellow in the matter of one night and his cough turned into a hack. It got worse. And of course it was our travel weekend. When we got home we scheduled another appointment and back to the doctor we went, that was yesterday. Well, since both Mommy and Daddy have allergies, Landon has a 66% chance of getting them too. Also, to go along with that fact the doctor informed us that he not only has a chance of getting allergies but he could also develop eczema or asthma, all three being atopical conditions or "skin" conditions. Children under 2 don't develop "seasonal allergies", so that option is out. Landon did have a tiny spot of eczema but now that it is warmer that has gone away. The doctor wanted to make sure that it isn't asthma so he prescribed a nebulizer for us to use on Landon for a week to see if it completely clears up the cough. Not all kids wheeze due to asthma, it can also cause a cough. Even if isn't asthma, the nebulizer will help him with his stuffiness. So either way, it will help. We started it last night. So far, it has helped with the stuffiness but the cough is still a hack. We have a check-up for the nebulizer next week so we will let you know the prognosis.
This was Landon with the nebulizer this morning...
"It's just a cough mom, but I like this thing!"

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